


Scholarship Competition



Scholarship competition is organised by Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego


Polish Scholarship Scheme is a scholarship scheme with over 30 years of history organised by Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata. The first scholarship was awarded in 1992 to Dulwich College. Since then, 30 other schools have participated in our programme and this number has grown year on year. Over the years, Towarzystwo has awarded as many as 361 scholarships to our partner schools in the UK, Austria, Germany, and Israel. In 2022, the programme underwent a transformation and was given a new name, logo and separate website.

Our scholarships cover up to 100% of the cost of tuition, accommodation and meals, and are based on the individual financial needs of the candidates.

Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata im. prof. Pawła Czartoryskiego

Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation with the status of a public benefit organisation, whose main objective is to support the development of civil society through international youth education in the spirit of tolerance, protection of human rights and social activism.

Our organisation is non-profit and is sustained solely by the contributions and donations of members and sponsors. The members are mainly past and present scholarship recipients, their families, but also other people who are close to our mission and who support our activities.

The founder and first chairman of Towarzystwo was Professor Paweł Czartoryski, historian, member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, currently patron of the organisation.

Parallel to the Polish Scholarship Scheme, Towarzystwo also organises a scholarship programme to UWC schools. More information can be found at: https://www.pl.uwc.org

1990The first national meeting of UWC alumni in Józefów near Warsaw marks the beginning of a tradition of alumni reunions usually organised at the beginning of summer. Meeting of the Founding Committee of Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata - the Polish national committee and the national network of United World Colleges.
1991Court Registration of Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata.
1992Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata takes over as the main organiser of the scholarship competition and the responsibility for selecting candidates for UWC schools in Poland. First scholarship to Dulwich College in the UK.
1993Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata establishes a partnership with public schools in the UK.
1999Professor Paweł Czartoryski, co-founder and president of Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata, dies.
2007Towarzystwo Szkół Zjednoczonego Świata starts to build an endowment fund from which scholarships to UWC schools will be co-financed in the future.
2012Separation of selections for UWC schools and our partner schools in the UK and Austria.
2022Celebration of 30 years of the scholarship to our partner schools in the UK and Austria. The competition is being renamed the Polish Scholarship Scheme.




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